I have been very well looked after in the unit of Dr. Niyom….

I have been very well looked after in the unit of Dr. Niyom….

Mrs. A.L. F.

I have been very well looked after in the unit of Dr.Niyom and the whole various staff nurses and assistant nurses and International staff . And I think I wish to praise them all and I am very grateful with the high, very high standards of quality of care attention, consideration, healthwise which I indeed very sincerely, do appreciate from the Neurologist Dr.Niyom, Anesthesiologist Dr.Pattama and Mr.Jack Heller for his daily visit.

Wan made me feel very supported

Wan made me feel very supported

Hayley .R

Wan (Customer Liason) was amazing. I was very nervous coming here and Wan made me feel very supported. Wan came to my appointments, organised all transport to and from the hospital for my appointments and visited me when I had to stay 2 nights in hospital. It was so good having Wan to make me feel comfortable  Thank you so much!! The driver Mr. Nipot was also lovely and spoke good English. He was very funny and made me laugh which helped me feel better.

I must admit, it is run so much more efficiently than our hospitals at home

I must admit, it is run so much more efficiently than our hospitals at home

Pattie .S

I was impressed with Bangkok Hospital Pattaya. It was very efficient and barely any waiting time. I must admit, it is run so much more efficiently than our hospitals at home (Perth, Western Australia). Initially, I was very nervous but once meeting the Doctor I felt a lot more reassured. Dr. Anuchit was a gentle and relaxed doctor. Everyone at the hospital was brilliant from cleaners, nurses to doctors. The only negative was once in the hospital bed I found some of the nurses had a limited understanding of English. Also without the help of wonderful Dyanne, with all the arrangements, I don’t know how I would have coped.

Amazing doctors, amazing nurses, amazing experience.

Amazing doctors, amazing nurses, amazing experience.

Kristen .F

My first time in Thailand and in surgery. The staffs were amazing, gentle, caring and made sure I was comfortable at all times. I would recommend this hospital to everyone. Amazing doctors, amazing nurses, amazing experience. Thank you everyone at Bangkok Hospital Pattaya for looking after me so well. Very happy with the outcome.

BPH truly lived up to its promise of providing state-of-the-art patient care.

BPH truly lived up to its promise of providing state-of-the-art patient care.



I’m sorry it has taken so long for me to write about my positive experience at BPH. My experience at BPH was wonderful and exceeded my expectations. Undergoing major surgery is very stressful, and doing it in a foregin country so far away from family only adds to the stress. However, you and the entire staff did everything possible to ease my mind and to create a positive experience.

Starting with the little things, such as having reliable airport transportation, having our serviced apartment ready upon arrival, and meeting you shortly after arriving, made me feel like a welcomed guest and gave me confidence in the facility. The assurance you provided was comforting. Just knowing that I could pick up the phone to receive assistance made a world of difference and quickly helped me to relax. Everything I needed to settle in that first day was provided — a clean and comfortable room, a clear schedule of the next day’s activities, and a person I could call upon if needed.

The pre-op consultations and medical tests were conducted in a highly professional manner at one of the most beautiful hospitals I have ever seen. I felt very comfortable knowing that I would be in Dr. Anuchit’s hands. Everything went as planned that day, with no surprises, and I felt ready to handle the surgery ahead. The day of the surgery went equally as well. I was impressed with the beautiful private room and the professionalism of the nursing staff. By the time I was ready to be taken to surgery, I felt calm and knew that having surgery at BPH was a good decision.

The two days following the surgery were very physically uncomfortable for me. However, despite the discomfort, I felt that I was in good hands, and welcomed the visits by Drs. Anuchit and Taiwan, as well as the steady stream of nurses. Upon release, recovering at the serviced apartment was a good choice. Having this option made a huge difference and I couldn’t have asked for a better environment to recover in. It was quiet and I could sleep day and night, it was easy to see Dr. Anuchit for post-op visits, and having breakfast delivered each morning was a treat. I really didn’t have to worry about a thing and I would recommend staying at the serviced apartments to anyone having surgery. While there, the only things I I had to think about was keeping my appointments with Dr. Anuchit and ordering breakfast!

Now that it has been a little more than three months since my surgery, my healing is near complete and all of my post-op concerns are finally behind me. The abrasions I had under my chin are barely noticeable, most of the nerve function has been restored, and the asymmetry is just about resolved, just as Dr. Anuchit said had predicted. When I look into the mirror, I smile and know that choosing BPH was the right choice for me.

In closing, I want to thank you for all of your assistance. As I mentioned earlier, just knowing you were a phone call away helped me to relax during this most stressful time. The assistance you gave to Kathy during her unfortunate drainage tube incident provided the both of us with a lot of comfort and confidence, and we both felt as though you were watching out for us and were genuinely concerned for our well-being.

BPH truly lived up to its promise of providing state-of-the-art patient care. Though the facility was beautiful, it’s really the quality of medical care and the people who create the experience — people like you, the skillful doctors and nurses, and all the others ranging from desk staff to housekeepers. Thank you, all!


Thank you letter

Thank you letter


[email protected]

On the 19th of May 2011 I had an operation to my eyes at the Super Sight Surgery, Bangkok Hospital Pattaya, which changed my life. I have worn glasses to read since I was 18 months old, and prior to the operation I needed glasses to see at distance, since the operation I can now read and see at distance to drive play golf and all the other things I want to do without having to wear glasses.

When you go to any hospital for any kind of treatment you are nervousness/worried even more so if it is in a town in another country where the local language is not the same as yours, and the only information you have is off the internet and E-mails that have been exchanged.
So when I walked into the lobby of the Bangkok Hospital Pattaya, I was not sure what to expect, I was not prepared for the fantastic professional service of all the staff at the hospital, that I met.
I could see the reception desk as I walked in but didn’t get to it, before I was greeted by a member of staff who asked for my letters and documents that I had been asked to bring with me. This staff member took me to the reception desk and started getting every thing sorted out for me with in five minutes I had my hospital ID with my photo on it and given instructions on how to get to the department I needed.
I arrived on the second floor at the SuperSight Surgery again the staff put me at ease did blood pressure and weight checks, then I was taken into a room that had five eye test machines I was put onto four of these machines and each eye was tested , then escorted into a room where my eyes where tested using the standard test for long and short distance using lenses. Then back into waiting area given a coffee while I waited to see Doctor Somchai T ShokeSatian, I had just finished my coffee and I was in to see Dr Somchai who carried out two more tests on my eyes, at the end of these tests the doctor explained what would be done demonstrated what I could expect in my ability to see after operation and all possible problems. I was then told to make my mind up about what I wanted to do, as my decision had already been made other than being comfortable with the ability of the people doing the surgery and the after care service when I went out to the waiting room I told them I wanted the surgery, I was asked when I would like it done I said the next day if possible after a couple of minutes I was told it could be done at 10.00am next day. I was given eye drops that I had to put in my eyes ever hour for six hours after leaving hospital and tablet to be taken that night to help me relax that night.
Next morning I was in the hospital taken to my five / six star room, on the 12th floor with a view other the city, if it was not for the hospital bed you would think you where in top class hotel. I was taken down for the down for the operation at about 9.30 am and the next thing I was back in my room both eye’s had been operated on and at 3.30pm I was writing and reading notes in my I-pod without glasses. I had no pain or any problems of any description the staff looked after me as good if not better than if I had been in a private hospital back in Perth Western Australia.

The morning after the operation I went in to the bathroom and looked in the mirror and this was the first time in 62 years that I had seen the pupils of my eyes with out glasses, any one who has to suffer wearing glasses will understand what that means.

Since the operation every day is like Christmas as I look around and can see clearly and can read for the first time in my life.

I cannot praise the staff or Doctor Somchai not just for the operation that has changed my life but for the great care and kindness that I received while I was in the Hospital and the after care service after leaving. After the operation I told one my friends about the operation and he went in and also had the procedure done.

As a note to any one who reads this testimonial I have not received any incentive from the hospital or Dr Somchai, to write this.

Having worn glasses for about 18 years now

Having worn glasses for about 18 years now

P. S. Edwards

Mrs. P.S. Edwards

XXX Soi X M.X Hong Tip
Kor HongPetchkasem Road
HAT YAISongkhla 90110
House phone : XXX XXX XXX
e.mail : [email protected]

Monday 18th October 2010

For the attention of Dr. Somchait
SuperSight Surgery
Bangkok Pattaya Hospital

Dear Dr. Somchait

I have been back in Hat Yai for a couple of weeks nowand everything seems fine. I wanted to thank you for your wonderful work; being able to see without glasses is indeed a ‘gift’. Having worn glasses for about 18 years nowI had forgotten how good it is to see clearly and with definition. Coming to SuperSight for the operation was the best thing I have done for myself in years and it can only enhance my quality of life. But it was also a great leap of faith because I knew nothing of ‘lenses’ or eye treatment or cataracts – or anything of the sort related to your work. My ‘faith’ was justified – I have my eyesight back!

I also would like to give thanks to your staff in the SuperSight Unit at the PattayaHospitalin particular Nurse Wanita who was so patient with meas well as being very efficient; and also thanks to your other staff in the unit. I want to thank Doctor ‘Anesthetic’ for his great kindness in putting me at my ease at the most tense moment during the prep in the theatre. I must also mention Howard Posener who gave me great confidence when he phoned me before my decision; he was very kind. He also phoned me last week to see how I was and I was very touched by that kind gesture.

Please pass my thanks on to the GeneralHospitalnursing staff who were so kind and considerateever smiling and helpful.
(Floor 12 – room number —508).

Finallyanother big ‘thank you’ to you personally Dr. Somchai. I can’t find the words to sufficiently say how grateful I am to you. I only hope your work will continue to the benefit of manymany more needful people. Sight is the most important thing we have I believe and should be looked after (unfortunately we don’t look after our eyes until things go wrong!).

Also take care of yourself Doctorwithout you SuperSight will not be.

Best wishes and kindest regards

PS: I look forward to seeing you for my 12 month check up next September 2011.

Thank you on excellent service, well done my son is fully recovered and back at school

Thank you on excellent service, well done my son is fully recovered and back at school

Faried L.

13 April 2010  

The Hospital Director
Bangkok Hospital Pattaya

Hospitalization of Master Samir M. L. Room 8507 (4 April to 7 April 2010)

On Behalf of my son Samir who was hospitalized for the above period at the Bangkok Hospital Pattaya, I would like to extend my sincere appreciation and gratitude towards the attending physician Namely Doctor Puttachart Dumrongkijchaiporn as well as to all of the Nurses of the ward my son was in. The quality of service rendered was by far more than excellent and the hospital itself quite impressive.

I would definitely recommend the hospital to whoever requires quality medical services.

Once again thank you on excellent service, well done my son is fully recovered and back at school.

Yours Faithfully

We want to thank you Dr. Junjira, and the Obstetician Gynecologist team at Bangkok Hospital in Pattaya.

We want to thank you Dr. Junjira, and the Obstetician Gynecologist team at Bangkok Hospital in Pattaya.

Anthony G.

Dr. Junjira was truly exceptional in her professionalism. She was always willing to spend the extra times to explain to us all of our questions and concerns. She gently guided Alexis, my wife, throughout the birth process from day 1 to the day of delivery. What we appreciated most about Dr. Junjira was something that no medical school nor medical intern program can teach: passion for excellence and a genuine care for the patients. These are rare qualities in a doctor to have and they make a difference between why patients choose one hospital over another. We know that every doctor has a tight rotation schedule but Dr. Junjira had always gave us the impression that she has all the time in the world for us during her daily morning checkup. Thanks to her and her team at the Obstetric Gynecologyd we brought home a beautiful baby boy.

Overall, we appreciated the tangible things that Bangkok Hosptial Pattaya provided for us such as being on time, deliver what you promised you’d deliver, a clean and immaculate room with conscientous and polite staff and not to mentioned excellent amenities such as the wireless internet. The intangible things which are more difficult to define are even more evident from a patient perspective: a genuine care and concern for the patients, a positive attitude at all time, going the extra miles at 2am in the morning when we requested a blanket or a pillow (thanks to the night shift staff on the 10th floor), and most of all was the commitment and caring attitude of all of the staff in the nursery on the 2nd floor.

Thank you.

Professional, informant, gentle, attentive, expressive and adept in her work

Professional, informant, gentle, attentive, expressive and adept in her work

Linda .B

Khun Romanee is excellent. She is professional, informant, gentle, attentive, expressive and adept in her work. I receive Ionto and Bioderm treatments with great results! I have also had 2 treatments with Khun Uyi and she is also very good.