Priser & Akkrediteringer

JCI Certificate2015

Bangkok Hospital Pattaya har mottatt følgende priser og akkrediteringer:

  • IMTJ Medisinsk Turisme-pris 2015 – Årets Sterkest Anbefalte Internasjonal Kosmetisk- Kirurgisk Klinikk fra Internasjonalt Tidsskrift for Medisinsk Turisme
  • Internasjonal Felleskommisjon (JCI) : 2015
  • Topp 10 Beste Medisinske Service fra Thailands Turistmyndighet 2015
  • EIA Overoppsyns Pris 2014
  • AIA pris for sykehuskvalitet 2014
  • Den 9. Thailands Turisme-pris: 2013
  • En Enestående bedrift innen Fremmelse Av Ferdighetsutvikling 2013
  • Thailands Sykepleieråd 2012
  • Medisinsk Turisme Nettside-Åpenhet : 2009
  • Asia Sykehusledelsespris : 2006
  • Asia Sykehusledelsespris: 2005
  • Asia Sykehusledelsespris: 2004
  • Sykehus-akkreditering i 2004
  • Statsministerens Eksport-pris for utmerkede medisinske tjenester og helsetjenester for internasjonale pasienter i 2003
  • Supervaremerke Thailand i 2003
  • ISO 9001 : 2000 akkreditering in 2003
Internasjonal Felleskommisjon (JCI) : 2015
Betydelig akkreditering for Bangkok Hospital Pattaya
JCI Certificate2015
Bangkok Hospital Pattaya er akkreditert av Internasjonal felleskommisjon (JCI) for å være i særklasse verdensstandard innen helsetjenester.
Bangkok Hospital Pattaya, østkystens største, har nå blitt akkreditert på lik linje med de største navnene innnen helsetjenester i Bangkok, og holder sin posisjon verden over.
Medisinsk Turisme Nettside-åpenhetspris

Leter du på nett etter informasjon om medisinsk turisme? 

For å kunne hjelpe deg å finne informasjonen du trenger, har vi opprettet en Medisinsk Turisme Åpenhets-pris. Dette er et merke tildelt nettsider tilhørende tjenesteleverandører innen medisinsk turisme hvis informasjon møter nedenstående kriterier.

Formålet med prisen er å oppmuntre tilbydere til å gi nødvendig informasjon på sine nettsider – og gjøre det lettere for deg å foreta et informert valg.

Medisinsk Turisme Åpenhets-pris Kriterier:

  1. Nettsiden lister ansatte (leger)
  2. Nettsiden lister ansattes utdannelse & utmerkelser
  3. Priser på nettsiden
  4. Nettsiden lister tilgjengelige prosedyrer
  5. Detaljerte forklaringer
  6. Fullstendig kontaktinformasjon (Foretaksnavn, adresse, telefon, faks, epost)
  7. Informasjon om innkvartering.
For å kunne motta dette gullmerket:

Nettsider må møte minst of 5 av 7 kriterier.

Asia Sykehusledelse-pris: 2005

Bangkok Hospital Pattayas flerspråklige nettside har blitt utpekt av Asia Sykehusledelsepris’ komite som det Mest Enestående Prosjekt i kategorien Markedsføring, PR and Promoteringer for 2005. Bangkok Hospital Pattayas vinnerbidrag ble kåret blant 249 innkomne prosjekter fra 84 sykehus i 14 land, i sannhet en imponerende bragd. 

Asia Sykehusledelses-pris : 2004

Asia Konferanse for Sykehusledelse er regionens ledende utdanningskonferanse og arena for sykehusledelser og helsepersonal. Hvert år tildeles deltakende sykehus priser  for initiativer til spesialprosjekter innen sykehusledelse som fortjener anerkjennelse og som setter standard for andre sykehus. I HMA 2004 ble det utdelt priser i syv kategorier. Bangkok Hospital Pattaya vant to av dem.

“Sykehus’ Feilfri – Kalibrering” – Bangkok Hospital Pattayas Senter for Medisinsk-Teknologisk Kalibrering delte prisen for beste prosjekt i kategorien Teknisk Service Forbedring. Bangkok Hospital Pattaya delte også annenplassen for sitt “Kjærlighet og Omsorg”-prosjekt hvor 165 prosjekter fra 55 sykehus fra 11 land deltok. Prisene ble utdelt under en gallamiddag på Plaza Athenee Hotel i Bangkok den 7. october, 2004

Sykehusakkreditering august 2017 til august 2020

Kontinuerlig kvalitetsforbedring er et essensielt element i forbedringsprosessen av medisinsk servicekvalitet. HA er en nyttig tilnerming for medisinsk service og offentlige helsetjenester i Thailand. En slik betydelig innovasjon kan stimulere helsetjenestetilbydere til fokus på systematisk arbeidsflyt og kvaliteten på servicen som gis pasienter og pårørende i tillegg til kunskapsutvikling, ferdigheter og teknologi jfm professjonell standard.

HA-prosessen etablerer kollektiv organisatorisk forpliktelse til kvalitetsforbedring, organisatorisk analyse, egenvurdering, strategikonkretisering av organisatorisk utviklingsplan, personalutvikling, lagarbeid og service med fokus på pasientene.

Med denne målsettingen oppfordres alle ansatte til å aktivt bidra og delta i overlappende aktiviteter som oppretter interdisiplinære verktøy, samt retningslinjer for klinisk praksis og pleieplan. Lagsammensetninger  drar veksel på muligheter til forbedring av pasientomsorg og serviceprosesser. Aktiviteter og publisering av håndbok for sykehuset bedrer kvaliteten på klinisk praksis og pleieplan utføres i samarbeid med sykepleiere og alle sykehusavdelingers ansatte.

Kvalitetsforbedring ved bruk av HA-tilnermingen er et konsept og en praksis som høster gunstige resultater for pasienter, kunder, sykehusansatte, sykehuset, legestanden, samfunnet og landet som helhet. Likevel krever dette alle involvertes tid og innsats. Kvalitetsforbedring må være en kontinuerlig prosess.

Supervaremerke Thailand 2003

Dr.Pongsak Viddayakorn, M.D., direktør ved  Bangkok Dusit Medical Service Plc., sammen med styret ved Bangkok Hospital, overrekkes Supervaremerke-prisen av Peter Jeffrey, Superbrands Internationals regionsdirektør for asia, for å være en av de enestående bedriftene som har blitt utvalgt og stemt på av en målgruppe på 1000 personer. “Supervaremerke Thailand” gir en stor mulighet til å stå frem som en bedrift som er anerkjent i markedet i mange land.

Bangkok Hospital Pattaya er ett av to sykehus som har blitt nominert for å være høyt anerkjent ifølge de som har svart på markedsundersøkelsen. Det er en stor ære å motta en slik respons fra en landsdekkende representativ kundegruppe, og det gir oss muligheten til å konkurere regionalt i asia de neste to år, sammenfallende med vår utviklingsplan. For å kvalifisere seg til å bli et supervaremerke, har Bangkok Hospital Group møtt alle krav til standard i alle nøkkelområder, slik de er definert av thailandske forbrukere og det uavhengige Supervaremerkerådet. Rådet evaluerte Bangkok Hospital Groups opptreden og prestasjon innnen kritiske områder, produkt, kvalitet, tilfredsstillelsesgrad, pålitelighet, ry og forståelse for kunders behov.

Asias Supervaremerke-pris er et resultat av en årlig undersøkelse foretatt av Reader’s Digest Asia rettet mot lesere i asias 6 største markeder. Bedømmelsen baseres på lesernes stemmegivning og respektive varemerker, basert på de over nevnte 5 kriterier. Målsettingen med undersøkelsen er å identifisere varemerker som har størst appell blant asiatiske forbrukere, fordelt på 41 kategorier fra livsstilsprodukter til daglige behov. Bedrifter som har steget til Supervaremerke-nivå, representerer en anerkjennelse av høy kvalitet slik den oppleves av forbrukere som helhet, og belyser samtidig forbrukernes valg i markedet. Undersøkelsen ble utført i seks asiatiske nøkkelmarkeder (Hong Kong, Malaysia, Philippines, Singapore, Taiwan and Thailand).

Palkinnot & Akkreditoinnit

JCI Certificate2015

Bangkok Sairaala Pattaya on palkittu ja akkreditoitu seuraavasti

  • IMTJ Lääketieteen matkailupalkinto 2015 – Kansainvälinen Lääketieteellinen Matkailu Journalin valitsema Erittäin arvostettu kansainvälinen vuoden kauneusleikkausklinikka
  • Joint Commission International (JCI) : 2015
  • Thaimaan matkailuviraston Top 10 parasta lääketieteellistä palvelua 2015
  • EIA Seuranta palkinto 2014
  • AIA Sairaala Laatupalkinto 2014
  • 9. Sija Thaimaan Turismipalkinto : 2013
  • Taitojen kehittämisen edistämisen erinomainen instituutio 2013
  • Thaimaan Sairaanhoitaja neuvosto 2012
  • Lääketieteellisen Matkailun Verkkosivuston Avoimuuspalkinto: 2009
  • Aasian Sairaala Hallinnointi palkinto 2006
  • Aasian Sairaala Hallinnointi palkinto 2005
  • Aasian Sairaala Hallinnointi palkinto 2004
  • Sairaala Akkreditointi 2004
  • Pääministerin Vientipalkinto erinomaisista lääketieteellisistä ja terveyspalveluista kansainvälisille potilaille vuonna 2003
  • Superbrands Thailand 2003
  • ISO 9001: 2000 akkreditointi 2003
Joint Commission International (JCI) : 2015
Bangkok Sairaala Pattayan merkittävät akkreditoinnit
JCI Certificate2015
Bangkok Sairaala Pattaya on Joint Commission International (JCI) akkreditoima, joka mittaa maailmanlaajuisen huippuosaamisen tasoa terveydenhuollossa.
Temos 2018
Bangkok Sairaala Pattaya on Temoksen akkreditoima “ Laatu kansainvälisten potilaiden hoidossa ja Erinomaisuus lääketieteellisessä matkailussa”.

Lääketieteellisen Matkailun Verkkosivuston Avoimuuspalkinto

Tutkitko Internetiä löytääksesi tietoa lääketieteellisestä matkailusta?

Jotta löytäisit tarvittavat tiedot, olemme luoneet Medical Tourism Transparency -palkinnon. Tämä on tunnustus lääketieteellisen matkailun tarjoajille, joiden verkkosivustotiedot täyttävät jäljempänä esitetyt kriteerit.

Tämän palkinnon tarkoituksena on kannustaa palveluntarjoajia toimittamaan tarvittavat tiedot verkkosivustoillaan – mikä helpottaa sinua tekemään tietoon perustuvan päätöksen.

Lääketieteellisen Matkailun Avoimuuspalkinnon kriteerit

  1. Lista lääkäreistä verkkosivuilla
  2. Lista henkilöstön koulutuksista ja saavutuksista
  3. Hinnat verkkosivuilla
  4. Lista saatavilla olevista toimenpiteistä
  5. Yksityiskohtaiset selitykset
  6. Täydellliset yhteystiedot (Yrityksen nimi, osoite, puhelinnumero, faksi, sähköpostiosoite)
  7. Tietoa majoituksesta.
Saadaksesi tämän kultamerkin:

Verkkosivujen on täytettävä vähintään viisi seitsemästä kriteeristä.

The Asian Hospital Management Award: 2005 Aasian Sairaalan hallinnointi palkinto: 2005

Asian Hospital Management Awards -komitea on valinnut Bangkok Sairaala Pattayan monikielisen verkkosivuston merkittävämmäksi projektiksi markkinointi-, PR- ja myynninedistämistoiminnassa 2005. Bangkok Sairaalan Pattaya valittiin voittajaksi 249:stä hankkeesta, johon osallistui 84 sairaalaa 14 maasta , mikä on vaikuttava kansainvälinen saavutus.

Aasian Sairaala Hallinnointi Pakinto : 2004

Sairaalan Hallinnointi Aasia Konferenssi on alueen johtava oppimiskonferenssi ja messut sairaalan johtajille ja terveydenhuollon ammattilaisille. Joka vuosi siihen osallistuvat sairaalat saavat palkinnot erinomaisen hankkeen käynnistämisestä tietyllä sairaalahoitoalalla, joka saa tunnustuksen ja voi toimia vertailukohtana muille sairaaloille. Vuoden 2004 HMA: ssa palkinnot annettiin seitsemässä kategoriassa. Bangkok Sairaala Pattaya voitti kaksi niistä.

“Sairaalan virhe vapaa kalibrointi” – Bangkok Sairaala Pattayan lääketieteellisen teknologian instrumentin kalibrointikeskus on yhteinen voittaja luokan parhaimmistoa koskevassa projektissa Teknisen palvelun parannusluokassa. Bangkok Sairaala Pattaya arvioitiin myös “Tender Love and Care” -hankkeelle, jossa on 165 hanketta 55 sairaalasta 11 maasta. Palkinnot Plaza Athenee -hotellissa Bangkokissa 7. lokakuuta 2004

Sairaalan Akkreditointi Elokuu 2017- Elokuu 2020

Jatkuva laadun parantaminen on olennainen osa terveydenhuollon laadun parantamisprosessia. HA on hyödyllinen lähestymistapa Thaimaan lääketieteellisiin palveluihin ja kansanterveyteen. Tällainen merkittävä innovaatio kannustaa terveydenhuollon palveluntarjoajia keskittymään potilaiden ja heidän sukulaistensa laadukkaiden palvelujen systemaattisiin työnvirtoihin, paitsi osaamisen, taitojen ja tekniikan kehittymistä ammatillisten standardien mukaisesti

HA-prosessi, jolla luodaan kollektiivista organisatorista sitoutumista laadun parantamiseen, organisatoriseen analyysiin, itsearviointiin, organisaation kehittämissuunnittelun strategiseen muotoiluun, henkilöstöresurssien kehittämiseen, tiimityöhön ja palvelujärjestelmiin, jotka keskittyvät potilaslähtöisyyteen. Tätä varten henkilökuntaa kaikilla tasoilla kannustetaan osallistumaan toimintoihin, jotka järjestetään päällekkäisillä tavoilla, jotta voidaan luoda käsikirjoja, kuten myös kliinisiä käytäntöjä ja hoitokarttoja. Funktionaaliset ryhmät on perustutettu hyödyntämään mahdollisuuksista parantaa potilaan hoitoa ja palveluprosesseja. Laadunparannustöitä ja sairaalan oppaan julkaisemista, kliinisiä käytäntöjä ja hoitokarttaa on toteutettu yhteistyössä sairaanhoitajien ja koko sairaalan ja tiedekunnan henkilökunnan kanssa.

Laadun parantaminen HA-lähestymistavalla on käsite ja käytäntö, joka tuottaa hyödyllisiä tuloksia potilaille, asiakkaille, sairaalan henkilökunnalle, sairaalalle, lääketieteelle, yhteiskunnalle ja  maalle kokonaisuudessaan. 

Superbrands Thailand 2003

Bangkok Dusit Medical Service Oyj: n pääjohtaja Dr.Pongsak Viddayakorn, yhdessä Bangkokin sairaalan hallituksen kanssa, hyväksyy Superbrand palkinnon Superbrands Internationalin alueellisen johtajan Peter Jeffreyltä.  Superbrand palkinnon on valinnut ja äänestänyt 1000 ihmisen kohderyhmä, jotta se olisi “Superbrands Thailand”, joka on loistava tilaisuus tehostaa monien maiden markkinoilla hyväksyttyä tuotemerkkiä.

Bangkok Sairaala Pattaya on yksi kahdesta sairaalasta, jotka oli nimetty erittäin suositeltaviksi ja tunnetuiksi kyselylomakkeeseen vastanneiden mukaan. On erittäin suuri kunnia saada tällainen nimitys koko maata edustavalta kuluttajaryhmältä ja antaa meille mahdollisuuden kilpailla alueellisesti Aasiassa seuraavien kahden vuoden aikana Bangkok Sairaalan kasvusuunnitelmien mukaisesti. Superbrands:n saamiseksi Bangkokin sairaalaryhmä on täyttänyt korkeimmat standardit kaikilla liiketoiminnan keskeisillä alueilla Thaimaan kuluttajien ja itsenäisen Superbrands-neuvoston määrittämänä. Neuvosto arvioi Bangkok Hospital Groupin toiminnan kriittisillä alueilla, tuotteilla, laadulla, tyytyväisyysarvolla, luotettavuudella, tuotekuvalla ja kuluttajien tarpeiden ymmärtämisellä.

Aasian SuperBrands-palkinto on tulosta Reader’s Digest Aasiasta vuosittaisesta kyselystä lukijoiden keskuudessa 6 suuren Aasian markkinoilla. Ratkaisun perustana on lukijoiden ääni, joka koskee 5 kriteeriä, tuotteiden laatua, tyydytystä, luotettavuutta, tuotekuvaa ja kuluttajien tarpeiden ymmärtämistä. Tutkimuksen keskeisenä tavoitteena on tunnistaa brändit, jotka ovat houkuttelevampia aasialaisille kuluttajille 41 kategoriassa, lifestyle-tuotteista päivittäistuotteisiin. Brändit, jotka onnistuivat nousemaan SuperBrands-markkinarakoon, edustavat loppukäyttäjien hyväksi tunnustettua erinomaista laatua ja samalla heijastavat kuluttajien valintaa lajikkeiden keskuudessa. Tutkimus toteutettiin kuudella keskeisellä Aasian markkinoilla (Hong Kong, Malesia, Filippiinit, Singapore, Taiwan ja Thaimaa).


Premio & Accreditamento

JCI Certificate2015

Bangkok Hospital Pattaya ha ricevuto i seguenti premi ed accreditamenti:

  • IMTJ Premio per il Turismo Medico 2015 – Clinica Altamente Raccomandata di Chirurgia estetica dell’anno secondo il giornale International Medical Tourism Journal
  • Joint Commission International (JCI) : 2015
  • Tra i 10 migliori Centri Sanitari secondo I’Autorita’ per il turismo in Thailandia  2015
  • EIA Premio 2014
  • AIA Premio per il Servizio medico di qualita’ 2014
  • Premio per Turismo in Thailandia nona posizione: 2013
  • Per l’ eccezionale Organizzazione nella promozione dello sviluppo delle competenze 2013
  • Concilio infermieristico della Thailandia nel 2012
  • Premio per la trasparenza per il sito di  turismo medico : 2009
  • Premio per la Direzione dell’ Ospedale in Asia: 2006
  • Premio per la Direzione dell’ Ospedale in Asia: 2005
  • Premio per la Direzione dell’ Ospedale in Asia: 2004
  • Accreditamento dell’Ospedale nel 2004
  • Premio del Primo Ministro per l’esportazione per l’eccellenza nei servizi medici e sanitari forniti a pazienti interazionali nel 2003 
  • Thai Super marchio nel 2003
  • ISO 9001: 2000 accreditamento nel 2003
Joint Commission International (JCI) : 2015
Accreditamento piu’ importante per il Bangkok Hospital Pattaya
JCI Certificate2015
Bangkok Hospital Pattaya e’ accreditato dal Joint Commission International (JCI) con standard mondiale di eccellenza nel settore sanitario.
Il Bangkok Hospital Pattaya, il più grande della costa est, è stato accreditato come l’equivalente dei più grandi nomi nel settore sanitario a Bangkok e in grado di mantenere il suo posto a livello mondiale.
Premio per la trasparenza per il sito di turismo medico

Stai ricercando nel web informazioni sul turismo medico?

Per aiutarti a trovare le informazioni di cui hai bisogno abbiamo creato il Premio per la trasparenza del turismo medico. Questo è un distintivo assegnato ai siti web dei fornitori di turismo medico le cui informazioni sul sito web soddisfano i criteri indicati di seguito. Lo scopo di questo premio è quello di incoraggiare gli operatori del settore a fornire le informazioni necessarie sui loro siti Web – rendendo più facile per voi a prendere una decisione informata.

Premio per la trasparenza del turismo medico criterio:

  1. Il sito web elenca il personale (i medici)
  2. Il sito web elenca la formazione e le credenziali del personale
  3. Prezzi sul sito web
  4. Il sito Web elenca le procedure disponibili
  5. Spiegazioni dettagliate
  6. Informazioni complete per contattare (nome dell’azienda, indirizzo, telefono, fax, e-mail)
  7. Informazioni sulla camera.
Per ricevere questo distintivo d’oro:

I siti Web devono soddisfare almeno 5 dei 7 criteri.

The Asian Hospital Management Award: 2005

Il sito multilingue del Bangkok Hospital Pattaya è stato selezionato dal comitato  per il Premio Asian Hospital Management come il progetto più eccezionale nella categoria Marketing, PR e Promozioni per il 2005. L’ingresso vincente del Bangkok Hospital Pattaya è stato selezionato tra 249 progetti presentati da 84 ospedali in 14 paesi, il che lo ha reso davvero un impressionante risultato internazionale… 

The Asian Hospital Management Award : 2004

Hospital Management Asia Conference è la principale conferenza di apprendimento e esposizione per i dirigenti ospedalieri e gli operatori sanitari. Ogni anno gli ospedali partecipanti ricevono riconoscimenti per avviare un progetto eccezionale in una determinata area della gestione ospedaliera che merita di essere riconosciuto e che può fungere da punto di riferimento per altri ospedali. Nel H.M.A. 2004, i premi sono stati assegnati in sette categorie. Il Bangkok Hospital Pattaya ne ha vinti due.

” Calibrazione senza errori dell’Ospedale “– Il Centro di calibrazione della strumentazione medica dell’Ospedale di Bangkok Pattaya ha vinto a pari merito nella categoria per l’ eccezionale progetto per il miglioramento del servizio tecnico. Il Bangkok Hospital Pattaya è stato anche giudicato secondo classificato per il suo progetto “Tender Love e Care” tra 165 progetti provenienti da 55 ospedali di 11 nazioni. I premi sono stati presentati durante una cena di gala presso l’hotel Plaza Athenee di Bangkok il 7 ottobre 2004

Hospital Accreditation dall’ Agosto 2017 all’ Agosto 2020

Il miglioramento continuo della qualità è un elemento essenziale del processo di sviluppo dei servizi medici. L’HA è un approccio vantaggioso per i servizi medici e sanitari pubblici della Thailandia. Tale innovazione significativa può stimolare i fornitori di servizi sanitari a concentrarsi sui flussi di lavoro sistematici per servizi di qualità resi ai pazienti e alle loro famiglie quindi lo sviluppo delle conoscenze, abilità e tecnologia secondo gli standard professionali.

Il processo HA crea l’impegno organizzativo collettivo al miglioramento della qualità, l’analisi organizzativa, l’autovalutazione, la formulazione strategica della pianificazione dello sviluppo organizzativo, lo sviluppo delle risorse umane, il lavoro di squadra e i sistemi di servizio incentrati sulla mentalità orientata al paziente. A tal fine, il personale a tutti i livelli è incoraggiato a partecipare a tali attività che sono organizzate in modo sovrapponibile al fine di creare manuali incrociati, nonché linee guida di pratica clinica e mappa di assistenza. I team funzionali sono formati per trarre vantaggio dalle opportunità di migliorare i processi di cura e di assistenza dei pazienti. Le attività di miglioramento della qualità e la pubblicazione di una guida all’ospedale, le linee guida sulla pratica clinica e la mappa di assistenza sono state intraprese in collaborazione con infermieri e tutto il personale dell’ospedale e della Facoltà.

Il miglioramento della qualità, utilizzando l’approccio HA, è un concetto e una pratica che produce risultati positivi per pazienti, clienti, personale ospedaliero, ospedale, Facoltà di Medicina, società e Paese nel suo complesso. Tuttavia, i processi di miglioramento della qualità e lo sviluppo delle risorse umane, che richiedono tempo e dedizione da parte di tutte le parti per migliorare le procedure di lavoro, il sistema di lavoro e la cultura organizzativa. Il miglioramento della qualità deve essere continuo.

Superbrands Thailand 2003

Dr.Pongsak Viddayakorn, MD, Direttore esecutivo del Bangkok Dusit Medical Service Plc., Insieme al Consiglio di amministrazione dell’Ospedale di Bangkok, riceve il premio Superbrands da Peter Jeffrey, Direttore regionale dell’Asia per Superbrands International come uno dei marchi famosi che è stato scelto e votato da un gruppo target di 1.000 persone per essere “Superbrands Thailand”, che rappresenta una grande opportunità per diventare un marchio riconosciuto da molti paesi sul mercato.

Bangkok Hospital Pattaya è uno dei due ospedali che sono stati nominati per essere altamente raccomandati e ben noti secondo gli utenti che hanno risposto al questionario. È con grande onore ricevere tale designazione da parte di un gruppo rappresentativo dei consumatori in tutto il paese che ci permetterà di competere a livello regionale in Asia entro i prossimi due anni, secondo i nostri piani di crescita all’Ospedale di Bangkok. Per qualificarsi per Superbrands, il Bangkok Hospital Group ha raggiunto gli standard più elevati in tutte le aree chiave della propria attività, come determinato dai consumatori tailandesi e dal consiglio indipendente Superbrands. Il consiglio ha valutato le prestazioni del Bangkok Hospital Group nelle aree critiche, nel prodotto, nella qualità, nel valore di soddisfazione, nell’affidabilità, nell’immagine del marchio e nella comprensione delle esigenze dei consumatori.

Il SuperBrands Award in Asia è il risultato di un sondaggio annuale condotto da Reader’s Digest Asia tra i suoi lettori in 6 principali mercati asiatici. Il giudizio si basa sui voti dei lettori sui rispettivi marchi in base a 5 criteri, qualità del prodotto, valore di soddisfazione, affidabilità, immagine del marchio e comprensione delle esigenze dei consumatori. L’obiettivo principale del sondaggio è identificare i marchi più attraenti per i consumatori asiatici in 41 categorie, dai prodotti lifestyle ai beni di prima necessità. I marchi che sono riusciti a salire nella nicchia Superbrand rappresentano il riconoscimento di una qualità eccezionale accreditato dagli utenti finali in generale e al tempo stesso, riflette la scelta dei consumatori tra le varietà. L’indagine è stata condotta in sei mercati asiatici chiave (Hong Kong, Malesia, Filippine, Singapore, Taiwan e Tailandia).


Awards & Accreditaties

JCI Certificate2015

Bangkok Hospital Pattaya heeft de navolgende awards and accreditaties

  • IMTJ Medical Travel Awards 2015 – Highly Commended International Cosmetic Surgery Clinic of the Year by International Medical Tourism Journal
  • Joint Commission International (JCI) : 2015
  • Top 10 Best Medical Service by Tourism Authority of Thailand 2015
  • EIA monitoring Award 2014
  • AIA Hospital Quality Award 2014
  • The 9th Thailand Tourism Awards : 2013
  • An Outstanding Establishment in Skill Development Promotion 2013
  • Thailand Nursing Council in 2012
  • Medical Tourism Website Transparency Award : 2009
  • The Asian Hospital Management Award : 2006
  • The Asian Hospital Management Award : 2005
  • The Asian Hospital Management Award : 2004
  • The Hospital Accreditation in 2004
  • The Prime Minister’s Export Award for excellent medical and health services provided to international patients in 2003
  • Superbrands Thailand in 2003
  • The ISO 9001 : 2000 accreditation in 2003
Joint Commission International (JCI) : 2015
Prominente accreditatie voor Bangkok Hospital Pattaya
JCI Certificate2015
Bangkok Hospital Pattaya is geaccrediteerd door the Joint Commission International (JCI) voor het leveren van “world standard of excellence” in gezondheidszorg.
Bangkok Hospital Pattaya, het grootste ziekenhuis aan de Thaise oostkust, is nu geaccrediteerd als een gelijke van de grote spelers in de gezondheidszorg van Bangkok en in staat om zijn plaats wereldwijd te handhaven.
Medical Tourism Website Transparency Award

Bent u aan het surfen op zoek naar informatie over medisch toerisme?

Om u te helpen die informatie te vinden hebben wij de Medical Tourism Transparency Award in het leven geroepen. Dit is een label dat wordt gegeven aan websites van leveranciers van medisch toerisme die aan de onderstaande criteria voldoen.

Het doel van deze erkenning is om providers aan te moedigen om afdoende informatie te presenteren op hun websites teneinde u in staat te stellen een overwogen keuze te maken.

Medical Tourism Transparency Award criteria:

  1. Geeft inzicht in hun professionals (doctors)
  2. Presenteert opleiding en ervaring van hun professionals
  3. Geeft nauwkeurig inzicht in de beschikbare behandelingen
  4. Gedetailleerde uitleg
  5. Volledige contact informatie (Zakelijke naam, adres, telefoon, fax, email)
  6. Informatie over verblijf.
Om in aanmerking te komen voor dit gouden insigne:

Moeten websites voldoen aan tenminste 5 van de 7 criteria.

The Asian Hospital Management Award: 2005

Bangkok Hospital Pattaya’s meertalige website is door het Asian Hospital Management Awards committee aangewezen als het meest voortreffelijke marketing, public relations en promotionele project in 2005. De winnende bijdrage van Bangkok Hospital Pattaya werd geselecteerd uit 249 inzendingen van 84 ziekenhuizen in 14 landen. Daarmee een indrukwekkende internationale prestatie.

The Asian Hospital Management Award : 2004

Hospital Management Asia Conference is de primaire regionale conferentie voor kennisdeling en presentatie voor ziekenhuis directeuren en gezondheids professionals. Ieder jaar worden aan de deelnemende ziekenhuizen awards uitgereikt als erkenning voor buitengewone projecten op diverse terreinen van ziekenhuis management die ook als voorbeeld kunnen gelden voor anderen. Bij de HMA 2004, werden awards uitgereikt in zeven categorien. Twee categorien daarvan werden gewonnen door Bangkok Hospital Pattaya.

“The Hospital’s Error Free Calibration” – Het Medical Technology Instrument Calibration Center van Bangkok Hospital Pattaya is een mede-winnaar in de categorie het beste project van de Technical Service Improvement Categorie. Bangkok Hospital Pattaya werd ook mede-runner-up voor het “Tender Love and Care” Project met 165 projecten van 55 ziekenhuizen in 11 landen als deelnemers. De awards werden uitgereikt tijdens een gala diner in het Plaza Athenee Hotel in Bangkok op 7 oktober, 2004

Hospital Accreditation in augustus 2017 tot augustus 2020

Doorlopende kwaliteits verbetering is een kritische succesfactor voor de gezondheidszorg. HA bevordert kwaliteits verbetering in zowel publieke als private gezondheids instellingen. Significante innovatie stimuleert leveranciers van gezongheidszorg om te focussen systematische werk processen, bovenop de ontwikkelingen van kennis, vaardigheden en technologie volgens professionele standaarden.

Het HA process stimuleert organisatie breed draagvlak voor kwaliteitsverbetering, organisatie analyse, zelf reflectie, het strategisch formuleren van organisatie ontwikkelings planning, personeels ontwikkeling, teamwork en ondersteunende systemen met de focus op de patient. Hierdoor worden medewerkers op alle niveaus aangemoedigd deel te nemen aan dergelijke activiteiten in een grensoverschrijdende setting om aansluiting tussen afdelingen en diensten te stimuleren. Functionele teams worden gevormd om de patientenzorg en de service processen te verbeteren. Deze activiteiten en de publicatie van een ziekenhuis gids, klinische praktijk richtlijnen en een zorg kaart komen tot stand op basis van input organisatiebreed verkregen.

Kwaliteitsverbetering met behulp van de HA benadering is een aanpak welke resultaten oplevert voor patienten, klanten, ziekenhuismedewerkers, het ziekenhuis, de medische faculteit, de samenleving en het land als geheel. Kwaliteitsverbetering en de bijbehorende personeelsontwikkeling vergen toewijding en tijd van alle partijen om de werkprocessen, systemen en cultuur te veranderen. Kwaliteitsverbetering is een doorlopende aangelegenheid.

Superbrands Thailand 2003

Dr.Pongsak Viddayakorn, M.D., Uitvoerend Directeur van Bangkok Dusit Medical Service Plc., samen met de Raad van Bestuur van Bangkok Hospital namen de Superbrands award in ontvangst van de heer Peter Jeffrey, Regionaal Direceur van Azie van Superbrands International voor ons beroemde merk. Aangewezen en gekozen door een selecte groep van 1000 personenas met de opdracht om “Superbrands Thailand” te nomineren en te kiezen. Deze award is een opstap naar ook grote naamsbekendheid buiten Thailand.

Bangkok Hospital Pattaya is een van de twee genomineerde ziekenhuizen als “sterk aanbevolen” en welbekend bij de ondervraagden. Het is een grote eer om deze onderscheding te ontvangen van een representatieve groep consumenten verspreid over Thailand en helpt ons om nog beter te concurreren in de regio teneinde onze groei plannen voor de komende twee jaren te realiseren. Om zich te kwalificeren voor Superbrands moest de Bangkok Hospital Groep voldoen aan de hoogste eisen op alle kern gebieden van de onderneming, als gedefinieerd door de Thaise consumenten en de onafhankelijke Superbrands raad. De raad onderzocht de Bangkok Hospital Groep op de prestaties op de kritische indicatoren, zoals product, kwaliteit, klanttevredenheid, betrouwbaarheid, merk, image en kennis van de behoeften van de klant.

Azie’s SuperBrands Award is het resultaat van een jaarlijks onderzoek, uitgevoerd door Reader’s Digest Asia onder zijn lezers in 6 prominente Aziatische markten. De lezers brengen hun stem uit per merk, op de 5 criteria, product kwaliteit, klanttevredenheid, betrouwbaarheid, merk image en kennis van klantbehoeften. Het belangrijkste doel is vast te stellen wat de aantrekkelijkste merken zijn onder de Aziatische consumenten in 41 categorien, van lifestyle producten tot dagelijkse behoeften. Merken die erin slagen toe te treden tot het selecte gezelschap van Superbrands staan voor erkende buitengewone kwaliteit door consumenten in zijn algemeen, en tegelijkertijd, weerspiegelen zij de consumenten keus uit het geheel van aanbieders.

Bangkok Hospital Network


Bangkok Hospital Medical Center

2 Soi Soonvijai 7, New Petchburi Road Bangkapi , Huay Khwang Bangkok 10310
Tel. (+66) 2310-3000 or 1719 (local calls only)  
Fax. (+66) 2318-1546 2310-3327
Email: [email protected]

Bangkok Hospital Prapadang

(Samut Prakarn in the Central) 288 Moo 1 Suksawat Rd. K.m. 18, Prasamutjadee District Samutprakarn 10290
Tel : (662) 818-9000
Fax : (662) 425-9859

Bangkok Hospital Rayong

(Rayong Province in the East) 8 Moo 2, Soi Saengchan Neramit, Nernpra, Muang, Rayong 21000
Tel : (038) 921-999
Fax : (038) 921-925, 921-990
Email: [email protected]

Bangkok Hospital Chantaburi

(Chantaburi Province in the East) 25/14 Thaluang Rd., Watmai Subdistrict, Muang Chantaburi 22000
Tel : (039) 351-467-70
Fax : (039) 321-202

Bangkok Hospital Trat

(Trat Province in the East) 376 Moo 2 Sukhumvit Rd., Wangkhrajae Subdistrict, Muang, Trat 23000
Tel : (039) 532-735
Fax : (039) 522-567 (039) 530-375 # 213
Email: [email protected]

International Clinic Koh Chang

14/16 Moo 4 White Sand Beach, Koh Chang, Trat 23170
Tel : (039) 551-555 , (039) 551-151-2
Fax : (039) 551-150

Bangkok Hospital Phuket

(Phuket island, Phuket Province in the South) 2/1 Hongyok Utis Rd., Muang, Phuket 83000
Tel : (076) 254-421-9
Fax : (076) 254-430
Email: [email protected]

Bangkok Hospital Hat Yai

(Songkla Province in the South) 54/113 Moo 3 Klongrean 1 Rd., Kohong Subdistrict, Hatyai, Songkhla 90110
Tel : (074) 272-800
Fax : (074) 365-790>
Email: [email protected]

Bangkok Hospital Samui

(Suratthani Province in the South) 57 Moo 3, Thaweerat Phakdee Road, Bophut, Koh Samui, Suratthani 84320
Tel : (077) 429-500
Fax : (077) 429-540

Bangkok Hospital Ratchasima

1308/9 Mitrapap Road, Tambon Nai Muang, Amphur Muang, Nakhon Ratchashima 30000
Tel : (044) 262-000
Fax : (044) 256-421
Email: [email protected]

BNH Hospital

9/1 Convent Road, Silom, Bangrak, Bangkok 10500
Tel : (662) 686-2700
Fax :(662) 632-0577-9, 632-0578 >(Administrative Office)
Email: [email protected]

Samitivej Hospital (Sukhumvit)

133 Sukumvit 49, Sukumvit Rd. Klongton nua.,Klongteoy Bangkok
Tel : (02) 392-0011, (02) 382-2000, (02) 711-8000
Fax : (02) 381-3490
Email: [email protected]

Samitivej Hospital (Srinakarin)

488 Srinakarin Road , Suanluang , Bangkok
Tel : (02) 731-7000
Fax : (02) 731-7358
Email: [email protected]

Samitivej Hospital (Sriracha)

8 Soi Laemket , Jerm Jompon RD , Sriracha Chonburi 20110
Tel : (038) 324-100
Fax : (038) 312-963
Email: [email protected]


Royal Angkor International Hospital

National Route #6, Phum Kasekam, Khum Sra Ngea Siem Reap, Cambodia
Tel : +855 63 761 888
Fax : +855 63 963 274
Email: [email protected]

Bangkok Hospital Medical Center Office

Ground floor Diamond Hotel, 172-184 Monivong Blvd., Phsar Thmey II, Daun Penh, Phnom Penh, Cambodia
Tel : 855-23 219 178, 855-16 557 667 (24 hrs)
Fax : 855-23 219 422
Email: [email protected]

Royal Rattanak Hospital

No. 10, Street 592, Toul Kok District, Phnom Penh Cambodia 12152
Tel : 855-23 365 555 (24hrs), 855-12 182 9993, 855-16 366 995
Fax : 855 855-23 366 669



House#108,1st Floor, Road#08 (At corner of road#8&11) Block, Bannai Dhaka-1213
Tel:( +880 2) 8856057, +880 2 – 885 6523
FAX:( +880 2) 8856057


CSCR, 1506, OR Nizam Road, Golpahar Chittagong- 4000
Tel: 011- 74 74 74 (Dr. Apu)
Fax: (*880 31)- 632 888>
Email: [email protected], [email protected]


33 Housing state (Ground Floor), Amborkhana, Sylhet-3100
Phone: +88021– 724499, 724500, + 88-011308391
Hand set: +88-0175001006, 0171351167
Fax : + 880821- 724490
Email: [email protected]


Bangkok Hospital Office

207 Dien Bien Phu, District 3 Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam
Tel: (848)404-1436
Fax: (848)404-1437
Email: [email protected]

Bangkok Hospital Office

8 Tong Dan, Hoan Kiem Hanoi, Vietnam
Tel: (848)935-0858
Fax: (848)935-0859
Email: [email protected]


Bangkok Hospital Medical Center Office, Myanmar

181, Bo Myat Tun Street, Botataung TSP Yangon 11161, Myanmar
Tel : (01) 20 21 20 24/7 Hotline: (959) 510 6666 (24 hrs)
Fax: (01) 20 27 51
Email: [email protected]

Bangkok Hospital Medical Center Office, Mandalay

Aryu Thukha GI and Liver Clinic 36, 27th St, Bet. 72nd and 73rd St, Chan Aye Thar Zan Township, Mandalay, Myanmar
Tel : (959) 5199 188, (952) 71 087
Fax: (952) 66 887
Email: [email protected]


Bangkok Hospital Pattaya was founded on 23rd June 1990 in Pattaya, a seaside holiday destination, which has grown to become one of the most popular Thailand holiday destinations and is located on the Eastern Seaboard of Thailand, Chonburi province. It is one of the 30 locations run by Bangkok Dusit Medical Services, the Bangkok Hospital Group and is the main referral hospital for the Eastern Seaboard of Thailand.

We have been growing since 1990, to become a 300 bed facility and the center of specialized healthcare which provides all necessary diagnostic and curative services. 

Our Heart Center: This is equipped with all special diagnostic instruments to analyze the heart and it conditions, including two Catheterization labs for Coronary Artery Angiograms to detect blocked arteries around the heart, equipment for Cardiac Electrophysiological Study (EP) and Radio Frequency (RF) Cardiac Ablation and Device Therapy.  We can carry out Coronary Artery Bypass Surgery without using an artificial heart-lung machine.

We are the first hospital in the Eastern Region with all these technologies, equivalent to those used in the major hospitals in Bangkok.

We also established renowned centers such as our Brain and Neuro-Science Center, Emergency Medical Services Center, Beauty Center – Dermatology and Cosmetic Surgery Center, Minimally Invasive Spine Surgery Center etc.

For the past two decades, we have also strived continuously to become a center of excellence. This has led us to recruit more than 100 full time specialists currently active in our hospital, and made us invest in modern high-tech medical equipment to help those specialists to make accurate diagnoses and to help them give the best available treatments to their patients. These include Digital MRI 3.0 T , 128-slice CT scan, OCT scan (for retinal tomography), PACS (Picture Archiving and Communication System) and completely electronic patient records.

On top of that, to create a more convenient and comfortable ambience for our customers, the area of Bangkok Hospital Pattaya was expanded from 5 to 9 acres (20,800 square meters to 36,800 square meters) and since November 2006 a new 15 storey building was added to the original complex.

Not only has our hospital grown, but Pattaya is also changing for the better, becoming a world renowned family tourist destination and preferred “retirement destination”.

A large number of international tourists visit this city each year (40 percent of the total number of all our patients). The hospital provides interpreters covering more than 20 different languages to assist patients in all matters covering communication with the medical personnel, health insurance problems, embassy liaison and also referral services. The hospital also has cultural and language training courses for the staff make sure they understand cultural differences and develop their language skills to provide the best service for the international patients. Of course, we also service Thai patients who are equally important to us, with the same standards and medical technology.

Bangkok Hospital Pattaya was certified ISO 9002 in 1997 (and updated to ISO 9001 2000), and in the same year, the hospital was officially recognized as the best provider of goods and services, in the field of businesses serving high numbers of foreign customers. Bangkok Hospital Pattaya is only the third hospital that has been awarded this accolade. As the continuous development of the hospital continues, Bangkok Hospital Pattaya has been given the best Hospital Management Asia Awards, The HMA Awards, for three consecutive years: 2004, 2005 and 2006.

Bangkok Hospital Pattaya renews its world accreditation

The Bangkok Hospital Pattaya which had been accredited initially by the Joint Commission International (JCI) in 2009, was reviewed by the JCI in September 2012 and then again in 2015, to see if the previous standards of excellence were still being met by the hospital.

The review process takes a week, for the panel of overseas examiners to go through all the different departments of the hospital, examine standard working practices and interview doctors and nurses, as well as judging the standards of the housekeeping, the wards and the Out Patient Clinics and all administrative processes. No matter how well prepared you feel that you are, until the examiners publish their findings, it is a nervous time for the management and staff who work hard to meet the standards, both old and new, for the re-accreditation. There were many smiling faces after the positive week-long review, which allows the hospital to keep its international accreditation for another three years.

These awards are the result of the effort of the administrators, the physicians and all staff Bangkok Hospital Pattaya. We will continue developing our medical service standards and quality to be one of the best health care providers in Thailand and South-East Asia. We confidently look forward to the years to come.

Awards and Accreditations

JCI Certificate2015

Bangkok Hospital Pattaya has received the following awards and accreditations

  • Healthcare Asia Awards 2021
  • International Best Practice Competition 2021
  • Healthcare Asia Awards 2019
    1. Corporate Social Responsibility of the Year
    2. Management Innovation of the Year
    3. ICT Initiative of the Year
  • IMTJ Medical Travel Awards 2015 – Highly Commended International Cosmetic Surgery Clinic of the Year by International Medical Tourism Journal
  • Joint Commission International (JCI) : 2015
  • Top 10 Best Medical Service by Tourism Authority of Thailand 2015
  • EIA monitoring Award 2014
  • AIA Hospital Quality Award 2014
  • The 9th Thailand Tourism Awards : 2013
  • An Outstanding Establishment in Skill Development Promotion 2013
  • Thailand Nursing Council in 2012
  • Medical Tourism Website Transparency Award : 2009
  • The Asian Hospital Management Award : 2006
  • The Asian Hospital Management Award : 2005
  • The Asian Hospital Management Award : 2004
  • The Hospital Accreditation in 2004
  • The Prime Minister’s Export Award for excellent medical and health services provided to international patients in 2003
  • Superbrands Thailand in 2003
  • The ISO 9001 : 2000 accreditation in 2003
Joint Commission International (JCI) : 2015
Major accreditation for Bangkok Hospital Pattaya
JCI Certificate2015
Bangkok Hospital Pattaya is accredited by the Joint Commission International (JCI) as being of a world standard of excellence in healthcare.
2Awards CertificatedThumb
Bangkok Hospital Pattaya has been awarded the Hospital of The Year – Thailand : Healthcare Asia Awards 2021 and International Best Practice (Outstanding) 6 Star level 2021
The Bangkok Hospital Pattaya, the Eastern Seaboard’s largest hospital, has now been accredited as being the equal of the biggest names in healthcare in Bangkok, and able to hold its place in the world order.
Medical Tourism Website Transparency Award

Are you researching the web for medical tourism information? 

In order to help you to find the information you need we have created the Medical Tourism Transparency Award. This is a badge awarded to websites of medical tourism providers whose website information meet the criteria below.

The purpose of this award is to encourage providers to supply necessary information on their web sites – making it easier for you to make an informed decision.

Medical Tourism Transparency Award Criteria:

  1. Website lists staff (doctors)
  2. Website lists education & credentials of staff
  3. Prices on website
  4. Website lists available procedures
  5. Detailed explanations
  6. Full contact information (Business name, address, phone, fax, email)
  7. Information about lodging.
In order to receive this gold badge:

Websites must meet a minimum of 5 of the 7 criteria.

The Asian Hospital Management Award: 2005

The Bangkok Hospital Pattaya’s multilingual website has been selected by the Asian Hospital Management Awards committee as the Most Outstanding Project in the Marketing, PR and Promotions category for 2005. The Bangkok Hospital Pattaya winning entry was selected from 249 projects submitted by 84 hospitals in 14 countries, making it a truly impressive international achievement. 

The Asian Hospital Management Award : 2004

Hospital Management Asia Conference is the region’s premier learning conference and exposition for hospital managers and healthcare professionals. Every year, participating hospitals are given awards for initiating an outstanding project in certain area of hospital management that deserves recognition and that may serve as a benchmark for other hospitals. In HMA 2004, awards were given in seven categories. The Bangkok Hospital Pattaya won two of them.

“The Hospital’s Error Free Calibration” – Medical Technology Instrument Calibration Center of Bangkok Hospital Pattaya is a joint winner in the category for most outstanding project in the Technical Service Improvement Category. The Bangkok Hospital Pattaya was also judged joint runner-up for its “Tender Love and Care” Project with 165 projects from 55 hospitals in 11 countries applying. The awards were presented at a Gala dinner in the Plaza Athenee Hotel in Bangkok on October 7, 2004

Hospital Accreditation in Aug 2017 to Aug 2020

Continuous quality improvement is an essential element of medical services quality improvement process. HA is a beneficial approach for Thailand’s medical services and public health. Such significant innovation can stimulate health care service providers to focus on the systematic work flows for quality services rendered to patients and their relatives apart from the development of the body of knowledge, skills and technology according to professional standards.

The HA process creating collective organizational commitment of quality improvement, organizational analysis, self-assessment, strategic formulation of the organizational development planning, human resources development, teamwork and service systems focussing on patient-oriented mindedness. Toward this end, personnel at all levels are encouraged to participate in such activities which are organized in the overlapping fashion in order to create cross-manuals, as well as clinical practice guidelines and care map. Functional teams are formed to benefit from opportunities to improve patient care and service processes. Quality improvement activities and the publication of a guide to the hospital, clinical practice guidelines and care map have been undertaken in collaboration with nurses and all personnel of the hospital and the faculty.

Quality improvement, by using the HA approach is a concept and practice that yields beneficial results to patients, customers, hospital personnel, the hospital, the Faculty of Medicine, the society and the country as a whole. Nevertheless quality improvement processes and human resources development, which require time and dedication from all parties in improving working procedures, work system and organizational culture. Quality improvement needs to be continuous.

Superbrands Thailand 2003

Dr.Pongsak Viddayakorn, M.D., Executive Director of Bangkok Dusit Medical Service Plc., along with the Board of Directors of Bangkok Hospital accepts the Superbrands award from Mr. Peter Jeffrey, Regional Director of Asia for Superbrands International as being one of the famous brand that has been chosen and voted on by a target group of 1,000 persons to be “Superbrands Thailand” which is a great opportunity to step up to be a brand that is approved in the market by many countries.

Bangkok Hospital Pattaya is one of two hospitals that had been nominated for being highly recommended and well-known according to those that have responded to the questionnaire. It comes with great honor to have received such a designation from a representative group of consumers throughout the country and will allow us to compete regionally in Asia within the next two years as according to our growth plans at Bangkok Hospital. To qualify for Superbrands the Bangkok Hospital Group has met the highest standards in all the key areas of their business, as determined by Thai consumers and the independent Superbrands council. The council assessed Bangkok Hospital Group’s performance in the critical areas, product, quality, satisfaction value, trustworthiness, brand image and understanding of consumers’ needs.

The Asia’s SuperBrands Award is the result of an annual survey conducted by Reader’s Digest Asia among its readers across 6 major Asian markets. Judging is based on readers’ votes on the respective brands on 5 criterias, product quality, satisfaction value, trustworthiness, brand image and understanding of consumers’ needs. The key objective of the survey is to identify brands that are most appealing to Asian consumers across 41 categories, from lifestyle products to daily necessities. Brands that managed to ascend to the SuperBrands niche represent the recognition of outstanding quality accredited by the end users at large, and at the same time, reflect the consumers’ choice among the varieties. The survey was carried out in six key Asian markets (Hong Kong, Malaysia, Philippines, Singapore, Taiwan and Thailand).