I believe he got the best care and treatment on offer and I thank you with all my heart

To the very kind staff who looed after my Father for three weeks may I offer you my sincere thanks and gratitude. I was completely reassured that you had his total best interests as your main concern. I believe he got the best care and treatment on offer and I thank you with all my heart. I especially want to thank you for keeping us informed.

May you be blessed.

All our deepest love and thanks to you all.

Mr. Allan C. Family

On behalf of Mr. Allan C. (room 9206) and his family I would like to add my thanks and appreciation to the staff of Bangkok Pattaya Hospital. especially in the CCU. for their tireless work and attention. I am happy to say that the most helpful and friendliest people I have met in Pattaya hvae been those at the hospital.

I wish you all the best for the future and will miss you now I am living.

Thank you,

Rob Garret (Allan’s nephew)

Testimonial from Mr. Allan C. Family & Allan’s 

Miracle at the Bangkok Hospital Pattaya


The doctors had given him up but he was saved by the great surgeon Dr. Montree Luksuwong of the neurology department at the Bangkok Hospital Pattaya in December 2006. Mr. Benoit suffered from complicated aneurismal rupture with cerebral hemorrhage.
The great surgeon Dr. Montree Luksuwong took the great risk to accept to operate as a last resort.
Thank you and thank you again Dr. Montri Luxuwong. Mr Benoit is now doing very well. He is out of danger and there are no after effects.

Dr. Montree Luksuwong:

  • You are wise
  • Your thinking and your technique of operation make you a top professional
  • You are the finger of miracle
  • We are so lucky to benefit from your delicate touch

We also thank the whole medical team assembled by Dr. Montree Luksuwong for this operation. We thank the Bangkok Hospital Pattaya for having selected the best surgeons, professors and doctors for our health. Thank you also to the hospital administration for their kindness, their warm hospitality and their professionalism. The Bangkok Pattaya directors run the most advanced hospital in the world. Again bravo and thank you to all. Dr. Montree Luksuwong you will always remain deep in our hearts and minds till the end of our life. A thousand thank yous from, ref: http://www.pattayamail.com/current/letters.shtml

Testimonial from Mr. Benoit and Miss Emma