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Updates “Dengue Fever” 2016

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The Department of Disease Control, Ministry of Health, will increase surveillance in 2016. There are five important diseases including Dengue Fever, Cholera, Influenza, Hand, foot and mouth disease and Meningococcal Meningitis.

It is predicted that in 2016 the number of patients with dengue fever will be around 160,000-170,000 patients. The number of patients will spike in May to August and continue until end of year. Most are in age group of 15-24 years. And the illness rate among adults (25-34 years old) is trending to be increased. There are risk areas of the outbreak nationwide. In Chonburi province, high risk areas for Dengue Fever are in Muang Chonburi, Banglamung and Sattahip.

Dengue Fever has multiple risk factors and there is no vaccination to prevent this yet. If you have high fever, loss of appetite or vomiting for more than 2 days please visit a doctor immediately to screen for Dengue NS1 and PCR. Early diagnosis will lower the severity of the disease and risk of death.

Bangkok Hospital Pattaya can provide fast and accurate screening by Dengue NS1 method which takes 1 hour for the result or 2 days for PCR result.

Source: Bureau of Bureau of Vector-Borne Diseases, Bureau of Epidemiology. Department of Disease Control, Ministry of Health

*Remarks: Dengue Fever screening by Dengue NS1 and PCR gives a 100% accurate result for a patient who has had symptoms for 1-2 days.

For more information, please contact Medicine Center, Bangkok Hospital Pattaya Tel. 1719

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