Diabetes is a condition that arises from abnormalities in the hormone insulin, which functions to transport glucose into various tissues. When there is insulin deficiency or the liver cannot produce insulin, blood sugar levels rise. Allowing high blood sugar levels to persist for a long time can lead to complications affecting various organs. This may result in symptoms such as easy fatigue, unexplained weight loss, frequent urination, excessive thirst, blurred vision, leg pain, knee pain, dry skin, itching, frequent infections, mood swings, and slower wound healing.
In the process of treating diabetes, both medical intervention and patient cooperation are necessary to manage blood sugar levels and reduce the risk of various complications. Diabetes requires constant attention from the patient, who must diligently control the condition themselves and attend scheduled medical appointments. The following are three reasons for this continuous treatment.

Reason 1: Treating diabetes does not lead to complete recovery and cannot be self-cured.
Nowadays, there is no cure for diabetes. Treatment focuses on maintaining blood sugar levels within normal limits to keep the disease stable, meaning without any symptoms, and to reduce the risk of additional diabetes-related complications. Although diabetes cannot be cured, it does not necessarily mean it is overly frightening. Diabetic patients can manage the disease themselves, reducing the chances of complications by adapting their daily lifestyle and receiving medical treatment.Reason 2: Treating diabetes helps reduce the risk and severity of potential complications.
Most diabetic patients do not only experience high blood sugar levels. Many also suffer from high blood pressure and high cholesterol levels, which could be the root cause of other serious diseases and various additional complications, such as…
Risk of coronary heart disease and stroke
Diabetic patients are at a higher risk of coronary heart disease and stroke compared to the general population. Some diabetic patients may develop coronary artery disease, while others may suffer from stroke, due to prolonged high blood sugar levels. This is a significant factor contributing to various complications, especially the development of atherosclerosis, which can affect arteries throughout the body. High blood sugar levels also pose problems in other aspects of the circulatory system, such as:- Abnormalities in energy metabolism within cells lead to the production of chemicals that promote inflammation, causing the arteries to lose elasticity, become fragile, and prone to tearing.
- Changes in blood clotting make blood stickier and more prone to clot formation.
- Excess sugar leads to the formation of clumps that adhere to the walls of blood vessels, narrowing the arteries and reducing blood flow to various organs.
Diabetes leads to kidney impairment
One in three diabetic patients often develop chronic kidney complications (diabetic nephropathy), especially those with high blood pressure and aged 65 and above. Typically, diabetic patients have high blood sugar levels, affecting the tiny blood vessels in the kidneys. The accumulated sugar in the blood vessel walls over time leads to constriction and blockages, resulting in reduced filtration of waste products by the kidneys.
Moreover, high blood sugar levels also affect the urinary system, leading to urinary tract infections that can spread and damage kidney tissue. Additionally, elevated blood sugar levels affect nerves in the body, impairing communication between the brain and organs. For example, when the bladder is full, there may be no sensation of pain, and the ability to contract the bladder decreases, leading to pressure and fluid buildup in the urinary tract. These symptoms further exacerbate kidney damage.
Oral health deteriorates, increasing the risk of periodontitis and dental caries.
Periodontitis and dental caries are diseases characterized by inflammation of the supporting structures of teeth (gums, alveolar bone, cementum, and dentin). The main cause is the presence of bacteria that spread within the oral cavity and accumulate along the gum line and tooth crevices. Diabetes is one of the risk factors for the development of periodontitis and dental caries. Some patients may experience tooth loss.
Most diabetic patients are often unaware of the complications that occur within the oral cavity, including symptoms such as dry mouth due to reduced saliva flow, soreness, easy susceptibility to infections, and slow wound healing. Therefore, diabetic patients need to maintain proper oral hygiene by regularly cleaning their mouths. For optimal results, consulting a dental professional for advice and regular check-ups is essential. Thus, diabetic patients, in addition to exercising, consuming recommended foods and medications to control blood sugar levels, should also be mindful of proper tooth brushing and consistent use of dental floss to maintain strong teeth.
Diabetes affects the optic nerve.
One of the complications of diabetes that arises from prolonged high blood sugar levels is diabetic retinopathy, commonly known as diabetic eye disease. It involves the deterioration and rupture of blood vessels in the retina, resulting in small bleeding spots that spread throughout the eye. Fluid and fat may leak out, causing the optic nerve to swell, leading to blurred vision. If left untreated and the blood vessels become blocked, the optic nerve can become deprived of blood supply, triggering the growth of new, fragile blood vessels. These new vessels are prone to breaking, causing bleeding into the vitreous humor or even retinal detachment, which affects vision. Some individuals may experience floaters or distorted vision, while severe cases may lead to vision loss.
The likelihood of diabetic retinopathy increases with the duration of diabetes. Therefore, individuals diagnosed with diabetes should undergo regular eye examinations. If diabetic retinopathy is not detected, annual eye exams are recommended. If new blood vessel formation is detected, treatment with laser therapy or surgery may be necessary, depending on the severity of the condition. Failure to treat diabetic retinopathy promptly or adequately may lead to other complications, such as vitreous hemorrhage, retinal detachment, or even permanent vision loss or blindness.
Diabetes affects the foot health
According to information from the Diabetes Association of Thailand, it is found that every year; up to one million feet of diabetic patients require amputation. Therefore, it is crucial for diabetic patients to receive special foot care to prevent injuries or infections. Even minor injuries or wounds can escalate to the point of disability or death. This is because most diabetic individuals often experience peripheral neuropathy, which affects the nerves that supply the hands and feet. Decreased sensation, especially in the toes, may lead to foot deformities and unnoticed or rapidly spreading ulcers.
Moreover, when blood circulation to the legs decreases, thickening of the walls of blood vessels leads to oxygen deficiency in the legs. The skin becomes thinner, wounds heal slowly, and sometimes, blood vessel blockage causes tissue death, resulting in darkening of the affected area. In severe cases, amputation may be required. Currently, diabetic patients have an increasing tendency to undergo leg amputation due to foot ulcers.
Reason 3: Treating diabetes helps maintain good health and longevity.
Patients undergoing diabetes treatment who consistently self-manage their condition to maintain blood sugar levels close to normal are less likely to develop complications (heart disease, stroke, urinary tract issues, eye problems, oral health issues, foot problems, etc.), thus increasing their lifespan. Moreover, effective diabetes control has many positive impacts on the body, such as:
Increased vitality and strength.
Reduced abnormal fatigue and decreased excessive thirst.
Decreased frequency of urination.
Faster wound healing.
Reduced risk of skin and urinary tract infections.