Wir bieten umfassende Pakete für die jährliche Ganzkörper-Untersuchung an. Wir verfügen über ein mobiles Röntgengerät und können mehrere Tests durchführen, darunter Hörtests, Lungenfunktions-Tests sowie EKGs.
Health check-up services are available within the hospital for individuals aged 15 and above:
- Personalized health checkup
- Pre-insurance health checkup
- Health examination for work permit
- Pre-university medical examination for universities in Thailand and abroad
- Adult vaccination services (pre-exposure) including pre-travel vaccines
- General pre-travel counseling, malarial chemoprophylaxis, and preventive measures of altitude illness. (Please check the examination schedule and make an appointment with the doctor in advance. Examinations will be conducted at the Health Promotion Center of Bangkok Hospital Pattaya on Saturdays. Additionally, Telemedicine visits are available from 2:00 p.m. to 4:00 p.m. on Mondays through Wednesdays.)
- Occupational health checkup
- Pre-employment Medical
- Fitness for specific job assessment: Confined space worker, Working at height, Food handlers, Crane operator ,Firefighter
- Offshore medical
- Seafarer’s medical
- Periodic medical examination (on-site and mobile) for contracted company
- Specific medical examination according to company requirements
- Zu wissen, dass Ihr Körper richtig funktioniert.
- Erkrankungen können frühzeitig erkannt werden, bevor Symptome auftreten und eine Therapie kann rechtszeitig eingeleitet werden.
- Sie erhalten eine ärztliche Beratung im Zusammenhang mit allgemeinen Gesundheitsgewohnheiten und was bei bestimmten Krankheiten oder Beschwerden zu tun ist, die bei der Untersuchung festgestellt wurden.
- Informieren Sie das Registrierungspersonal darüber, das Sie zu einer Kontrolluntersuchung hier sind. Sie werden dann zum Gesundheitsförderungs-Zentrum weitergeleitet.
- Es wird Ihnen eine Blut- und Urinprobe entnommen. Im Anschluss wird eine Röntgenaufnahme Ihres Brustkorbs und ein EKG (falls erforderlich) vorgenommen.
- Sobald alle Labor- und Roentgen-Ergebnisse vorliegen, wird ein Arzt Sie über die Befunde informieren.
- Nach der Untersuchung werden Sie möglicherweise noch am selben Tag zu einem Spezialisten für Ihre spezifischen Befunde überwiesen oder es wird ein Termin zu einem günstigeren Zeitpunkt vereinbart (es können zusätzliche Gebühren und Kosten anfallen).
- Kommen Sie so früh wie moeglich.
- Nach Mitternacht nichts Essen und nichts Trinken (ausgenommen reines Mineralwasser).
What is a travel health service?
The COVID-19 pandemic has revealed the importance of health problems associated with travel. The emerging virus affects not only individual travelers, but also community and public health globally. In addition to COVID-19, traveling from one place to another with different geography and disease endemic can put the travelers at risk, both infectious and non-infectious diseases. Most of them can be prevented or alleviated.
Travel medicine has been adopted as a multidisciplinary specialty and services within medical care providers. International travelers embarking on trips abroad for purposes related to leisure, business, visiting friends and family might be required to be immunized against yellow fever or other preventable tropical diseases. They might be at risk of travel-related conditions such as malaria or altitude illness. Our center primarily focuses on providing preventive measures, administering vaccinations and chemoprophylaxis against the disease in Thailand and elsewhere. To ensure the best efficacy of preventive measures, it is recommended that pre-travel consultation should be made at least 6-8 weeks before your trip.
Our service
- Consultation and counseling before traveling.
- Immunization and certificates of immunization.
- Health checkup and medical certificate for students/workers who travel abroad.
- Tuberculin skin test (Mantoux test) and blood for interferon-gamma release assay (IGRAs)
- Preventative measures for other travel-related diseases such as altitude illness.
- Malaria prevention and prophylaxis.
- Information for tropical diseases and emerging diseases.
Required documents
- Identification card (National ID card, passport)
- Travel itinerary
- Medical certificate form or requirement from your company, agency, embassy or educational institute (Please carefully check if our hospital is eligible to provide certification)
- Childhood and previous vaccination record (if available)
- Current medications
Asst. Prof. Vorapot Sapsirisavat, M.D.
Preventive medicine (Travel medicine)
Krankheit &
Gutartige Prostatahyperplasie (BPH)
Renaler Krebs (Nierenkrebs)
Erektile Dysfunktion
Water Vapor Therapy (Rezum)
MRI-Fusion Prostatabiopsie
Bipolar TUR-P (Transurethrale Resektion der Prostata)
This is the heading
Thai surgeon uses arthroscope instead of radical surgery. A patient describes his experiences and outcome.
Sleeve Gastrectomy
Laparoscopic sleeve gastric bypass is a surgical procedure to reduce the size of the stomach. Help limit the amount of food eaten. This will allow patients to lose weight successfully.

Preventive Medicine, Occupational Medicine |
Preventive Medicine, Occupational Medicine |

Preventive Medicine, Occupational Medicine |
Preventive Medicine, Occupational Medicine |

Preventive Medicine, Occupational Medicine |

Preventive Medicine, Occupational Medicine |

Preventive Medicine, Occupational Medicine |

Family Medicine |

Preventive Medicine, Public Health |

Preventive Medicine, Maritime Medicine |

Preventive Medicine, Occupational Medicine |

Preventive Medicine, Travel Medicine |