- 食道
- 胃
- 十二指肠
- 小肠
- 结肠和直肠
- 肝胆系统
- 甲状腺、肾上腺
- 皮肤和软组织肿块
- 腹壁疝气
- 静脉曲张
- 小儿外科
- 慢性伤口和糖尿病足溃疡
腹腔镜手术是指外科医生制作约1厘米大小的小切口而不是单个大切口的技术。 称为“套管针”的小管通过这些切口放入腹部。 使用二氧化碳气体使腹部膨胀,以便为外科医生提供工作空间。 这使得外科医生可以使用连接到薄型摄像机(称为腹腔镜)的摄像机在手术室监视器上观看腹部内部的放大视图。 已经开发出供外科医生穿过套管针的专用器械,以代替外科医生的手和传统手术器械。 用于分割和重新连接肠道的外科缝合装置以及用于切割和烧灼组织和血管的能量装置也已适应腹腔镜使用。
由于切口比传统手术中使用的切口小得多,因此腹腔镜手术后的不适通常较少。 事实证明,这可以缩短住院时间、减少伤口感染、减少对处方止痛药的需求、更早恢复正常活动以及减少明显的疤痕。 出血减少,从而减少需要输血的机会。 从外科医生的角度来看,腹腔镜手术可以更轻松地剥离腹部疤痕组织(粘连),减少手术创伤,并改善某些群体(如老年人和极度超重的人)的预后。
- 胆囊:胆结石、胆囊炎
- 阑尾:阑尾炎
- 疝气:腹股沟疝气、腹壁疝气、膈疝气
- 结肠:癌症、憩室炎、息肉
- 胃:癌症、穿孔、胃食管反流
- 减肥手术:胃绕道手术、袖状胃切除术
- 胰腺:肿瘤、囊肿
- 脾脏:脾肿大、脾脓肿
- 小肠:肿瘤、纤维粘连
- 肾上腺:肿瘤
& Treatments
CO2 Laser
Home Disease & T
Urinary calculus
To discover the cause of kidney stones, it is important to analyze the stone to identify the type.
Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia
Benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH) is a nodular, irregular enlargement of the prostate
Prostatic Cancer
The prostate is a gland located below a male’s bladder. Its main function is to secrete prostatic fluid
Renal Cancer
Kidney cancer is cancer that begins in the kidneys.
Bladder Cancer
The lower urinary tract is made up of the bladder, urethra, and in males, the prostate.
Erectile Dysfunction
Erectile dysfunction, commonly known as impotence, is the inability to achieve or maintain an erection adequate
Over time, low testosterone may cause a man to lose body hair, muscle bulk and strength
Water Vapor Therapy (Rezum)
A new minimally-invasive procedure to treat enlarged prostate
MRI-fusion prostate biopsy
MRI/Ultrasound fusion guided biopsy combines a specialized magnetic resonance imaging (MRI)
Sleeve Gastrectomy : Bangkok Hospital Pattaya
Sleeve Gastrectomy Surgery is similar to Gastric Banding. Sleeve Gastrectomy leaves some of stomach by removing the lower part of the stomach,