我们的专业医生团队除了提供常规医疗护理、年度体检、健康检查和预防保健外,还擅长诊断、治疗和管理各种疾病。 他们还接受过培训,能够识别特定疾病的风险因素、需要持续后续护理的慢性疾病以及需要额外医疗或外科专业知识的问题。
- 内科中心
- 糖尿病 (DM) 和内分泌中心
- 肥胖诊所胃肠道 (GI) 和肝脏中心
- 血液肿瘤中心
- 肾内科(肾脏)中心
- 胸部和呼吸护理中心
& Treatments
CO2 Laser
Home Disease & T
Urinary calculus
To discover the caus
Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia
Benign prostatic hyp
Prostatic Cancer
The prostate is a gl
Renal Cancer
Kidney cancer is can
Bladder Cancer
The lower urinary tr
Erectile Dysfunction
Erectile dysfunction
Over time, low testo
Water Vapor Therapy (Rezum)
A new minimally-inva
MRI-fusion prostate biopsy
MRI/Ultrasound fusio
This is the heading
Thai surgeon uses arthroscope instead of radical surgery. A patient describes his experiences and outcome.
Sleeve Gastrectomy
Laparoscopic sleeve gastric bypass is a surgical procedure to reduce the size of the stomach. Help limit the amount of food eaten. This will allow patients to lose weight successfully.