- 消化性溃疡
- 结肠炎
- 胃癌
- 食道癌
- 肠癌
- 肝癌
- 肝炎
- 酒精性肝病
- 肝硬化
- 胃肠炎
- 肠易激综合征、便秘
- 胆结石,胆管炎
- 胆管癌
- 胰腺炎
- 怀疑任何胃肠道或肝脏问题
- 想接受胃肠道和肝脏检查
- 对您目前的胃肠道治疗不满意,并希望获得第二意见
- 在决定您的治疗计划之前,需要咨询专科医生
- 需要使用内窥镜进行检查或治疗
- 希望获得有关胃肠道问题预防方法的一般意见或建议
& Treatments
CO2 Laser
Home Disease & T
Urinary calculus
To discover the caus
Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia
Benign prostatic hyp
Prostatic Cancer
The prostate is a gl
Renal Cancer
Kidney cancer is can
Bladder Cancer
The lower urinary tr
Erectile Dysfunction
Erectile dysfunction
Over time, low testo
Water Vapor Therapy (Rezum)
A new minimally-inva
MRI-fusion prostate biopsy
MRI/Ultrasound fusio
This is the heading
Thai surgeon uses arthroscope instead of radical surgery. A patient describes his experiences and outcome.
Sleeve Gastrectomy
Laparoscopic sleeve gastric bypass is a surgical procedure to reduce the size of the stomach. Help limit the amount of food eaten. This will allow patients to lose weight successfully.