Having worn glasses for about 18 years now

P. S. Edwards

Mrs. P.S. Edwards

XXX Soi X M.X Hong Tip
Kor HongPetchkasem Road
HAT YAISongkhla 90110
House phone : XXX XXX XXX
e.mail : XXXXXX@yahoo.uk.co

Monday 18th October 2010

For the attention of Dr. Somchait
SuperSight Surgery
Bangkok Pattaya Hospital

Dear Dr. Somchait

I have been back in Hat Yai for a couple of weeks nowand everything seems fine. I wanted to thank you for your wonderful work; being able to see without glasses is indeed a ‘gift’. Having worn glasses for about 18 years nowI had forgotten how good it is to see clearly and with definition. Coming to SuperSight for the operation was the best thing I have done for myself in years and it can only enhance my quality of life. But it was also a great leap of faith because I knew nothing of ‘lenses’ or eye treatment or cataracts – or anything of the sort related to your work. My ‘faith’ was justified – I have my eyesight back!

I also would like to give thanks to your staff in the SuperSight Unit at the PattayaHospitalin particular Nurse Wanita who was so patient with meas well as being very efficient; and also thanks to your other staff in the unit. I want to thank Doctor ‘Anesthetic’ for his great kindness in putting me at my ease at the most tense moment during the prep in the theatre. I must also mention Howard Posener who gave me great confidence when he phoned me before my decision; he was very kind. He also phoned me last week to see how I was and I was very touched by that kind gesture.

Please pass my thanks on to the GeneralHospitalnursing staff who were so kind and considerateever smiling and helpful.
(Floor 12 – room number —508).

Finallyanother big ‘thank you’ to you personally Dr. Somchai. I can’t find the words to sufficiently say how grateful I am to you. I only hope your work will continue to the benefit of manymany more needful people. Sight is the most important thing we have I believe and should be looked after (unfortunately we don’t look after our eyes until things go wrong!).

Also take care of yourself Doctorwithout you SuperSight will not be.

Best wishes and kindest regards

PS: I look forward to seeing you for my 12 month check up next September 2011.