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Breast Reduction

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Breast reduction, also called reduction mammaplasty, is a plastic surgery that is performed to decrease the size of the breasts. Many women suffer physical symptoms or psychological insecurities as a result of having very large breasts. Heavy breasts can cause back pain, poor posture, and associated medical problems. Conspicuous, disproportionately sized breasts can initiate unwanted attention, from childhood teasing to sexual harassment as an adult. Breast reduction surgery can be performed to remove excess breast tissue and reposition the nipple, if necessary. Breast reduction should result in smaller, shapelier breasts.

Breast Reduction Surgery

Somewhat similar to a breast lift, breast reduction surgery involves making anchor-shaped incisions in the breasts. A circular incision is made around each nipple, at which point, large areolas can be decreased, if desired. An incision is made vertically, from the bottom of the areola to the fold in the underneath the breast. A semicircular incision is made in the fold around the underside of the breast. The plastic surgeon then removes a predetermined amount of fat and glandular tissue. The excess skin is trimmed away and the nipple is repositioned. Sutures are used to stitch the incisions closed, and gauze dressings will be applied to aid in the healing process. A surgical bra will need to be worn for several weeks, in order to hold the breasts in place and allow them to heal properly.

Breast Reduction Complications

As with all surgical procedures, there is the risk of complications with breast reduction. There is a possibility that patients may lose sensation in the nipples and areolas following breast reduction surgery, especially in cases involving dramatic reduction and repositioning. There is also the risk of surgical complications such as bleeding, infection, or excessive scarring. The results of breast reduction surgery may not always meet expectations, so it is best to be realistic before undergoing such a surgical procedure.

Please consult our accomplished plastic surgeon with any questions you may have regarding breast reduction.

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