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The greatest killer of mankind

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Ever since primitive man discovered that the death rate in the tribe was one per person, much time and ground mammoth tusks have been used to try and extend that one per person lifetime.  Not with much success I must add.Ever since primitive man discovered that the death rate in the tribe was one per person, much time and ground mammoth tusks have been used to try and extend that one per person lifetime.  Not with much success I must add.

Fast forward to today and there is more reputed risky behavior than being trod on by a rampaging mastodon.  There is the Mobile Phone!

Now, Mobile phones are hardly new technology, although the latest 5G variety seems to be able to do everything from cleaning the house, watering the garden, tying your shoelaces and washing the dog, as well as making and receiving telephone calls.  There have been claims that using mobile phones produces brain cancer because people with brain cancer have used mobiles, and that is about as stupid as claiming that shoes are the greatest killer in the western society because 99 percent of people who died last year wore shoes at some stage.

What is not said in all these shock, horror headlines, is that these researchers in the hallowed halls of academia need money to keep going, and they are all in competition with each other to grab a slice of the research dollar eventually funded by you and me.  The more shock, horror headers they can get, the more likely they are to get further funding.  It is the money train.

However, forget phony ‘facts’ about mobile phone numbers, high cholesterol is an adverse factor as far as your cardiac condition is concerned, and the research well documented.  Believe it.  And cholesterol levels are unaltered by mobile phone use.  Believe that one too.  And get your cholesterol levels checked and your blood sugar as well.  

Beware of ‘scientific breakthroughs’ reported in the popular press.  It may just be fishing for funding.  In the meantime, go barefoot.


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