- Get enough sleep, at least 6 hours, prior to the check-up.
Lack of sleep may cause abnormal results such as blood pressure, heart beat, and body temperature. The doctor may not be able to assess if any change is a real abnormality. - Do not eat or drink at least 8 – 10 hours prior to the check-up. Water, however may be freely taken to avoid dehydration effects on blood sugar and cholesterol tests in the program.
- Please do not drink alcohol for at least 24 hours prior to appointment as drugs and alcohol may affect some tests. Please inform the doctor or nurse before the test.
- If you are taking medicine for hypertension, you can continue taking as per doctor’s prescription.
- If you have a chronic illness or other health problems, please bring any test results or medical report with you to assist in diagnosis.
- Should wear clothing allowing access to upper arm.
- For females, avoid 7 days before or after the menstrual period. If you are menstruating, you should not have urine analysis because there will be blood contamination which affects the interpretation of the result.
- Breast cancer screening by Digital Mammogram, should avoid having the test during the menstrual period as the breast is tense at that time. The patient should have the mammogram after the period.
- If pregnant, please inform the staff to cancel the x-ray.
- Health check-ups are available daily between 7.00am – 4.00pm.
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