Hair removal

The removal of unwanted hair growth is cosmatic ranges from regularly repeated shaving to a more lasting , though very painful wax epilation , to extremely time-consuming hair removal by means of electrolysis needles, which on the other hand can yield a rather lasting success.

Each of these methods and naturally, also laser epilation which is comparatively more pleasant, aims to remove hair with a maximum lasting effect. What is required to achieve a preferentially lasting delay in the process of hair growth

Laser epilation of dark hair is particularly effective beacuse dark hair has a higher malanin content. However, the success of treatment cannot be predicted in each particular case. Surprisingly good results have even been observed with fair hair and brown hair

Normally the treatment lasts 15 to 30 min for each patient. After lasering,the skin may appear slightly red for up to one or two days. ‘ Itching’ can occur ( reaction similar to a slight sunburn ) The number of required treatments for hair removal sessions depends on several factors. These are :

  • The body area to be treated (different numbers of hair in anagen phase)
  • The type of hair and skin.
  • The result expected by the patient (some fine residul hair is often tolerated)
  • The time spacing of treatment.

To achieve a satisfactory result, three to seven treatment sessions may be required on average. The intervals between the sessions should not be too long (4-6 weeks)

Permanent Hair Removal
Laser hair removal
 is a relatively new cosmetic procedure designed to permanently remove unwanted facial and body hair by using the light energy from a laser. Permanent laser hair removal provides an alternative to shaving, waxing, tweezing, and using chemical depilatories. It is also significantly less time-consuming than electrolysis. With permanent body hair removal, the laser can treat large areas at the same time. Laser hair removal can be used on the back, chest, or legs, as well as on smaller areas like the upper lip or eyebrows.

Laser Hair Removal Candidates
The best candidates for laser hair removal include those with light skin and dark hair. The procedure is not as effective on blonde or red hair, and it works better on hair that is coarse rather than fine. Permanent hair removal patients must be willing to commit a substantial amount of time to the laser treatments, which are spaced out over a period of months. Laser body hair removal typically takes several treatments, whereas the number of visits required for laser facial hair removal varies by individual. The best candidates are in good physical and mental condition and maintain realistic expectations about the probable outcomes of laser hair removal.

Permanent Lair Hair Removal Procedure
Laser hair removal is an outpatient cosmetic procedure performed with MedioStar laser which emits light by Diode laser and specially comes with special contact-cooling hand-piece. It is suitable for sensitive skin as it helps less burn on the surface skin. The laser also emit in a very high speed up to 2 HZ so will make the procedure more faster and more effective than other machine, less time and discomfort. Generally, the first step in the laser hair removal process is to shave the area that will be treated. In patients with dark skin, a bleaching cream may be applied beforehand to increase the chances of success. After the area is shaved and cleaned, an anesthetic cream is applied. Then, pulses of light from the laser send energy into the pigment of the hair shaft, which damages the surrounding follicle. A carbon lotion may also be used, which responds to the wavelength of the laser and helps stop hair from growing.

Laser Hair Removal Risks
Permanent laser hair removal is generally safe, but there are a few possible side effects. In some cases, a darkening or lightening of the treated skin may occur following laser hair removal. Darker skin is more susceptible to changes in pigment, so intentionally tanning beforehand should be avoided. Burning or blistering of the skin is also possible. Following the cosmetic surgeon’s instructions and advice is the best means for reducing the risks involved with laser hair removal.

Length of Laser Hair Removal Treatment
Not all of an individual’s hairs are in a growth phase at the same time. Typically, about two-thirds of the hairs are growing at any one time, while the other third are in a resting phase. Because of this, laser hair removal usually takes more than one treatment session, averaging about three sessions for permanent hair removal in any one area. Laser hair removal sessions are generally scheduled at least a month apart so that resting hairs will be back in the growth phase and ready for removal by the time the next procedure is performed. The length of each individual treatment session depends on the size of the area to be treated. Time can range anywhere from five minutes to an hour, depending on whether the procedure is for facial or body hair removal.

It is very important that you choose a qualified and highly experienced laser trained dermatologist or dermatology surgeon to perform permanent laser hair removal


Tummy Tuck (Subthai) : Bangkok Hospital Pattaya

Leanne, she is a personal trainer, went to Bangkok Hospital Pattaya with her husband for abdominal lifting surgery. She was very excited and impressed by the results of this change.

Facelift : Bangkok Hospital Pattaya

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