Sexually Transmitted Disease Screening Program


Hidden secrets Sexually transmitted diseases do not always have clear symptoms

If you are in the following high risk group

  • Had sex with a male/female prostitute in the last 3 months
  • Had more than one sexual partner in the last 3 months
  • Had a history of sexual transmitted diseases
  • Had same sex sexual intercourse

Sexually Transmitted Disease Screening Program Price 6,900 (THB)

  1. Physical Examination
  2. STD (Sexually transmitted Disease) Multiplex PCR
  3. Anti-HIV
  4. Syphilis screening test (VDRL)
  5. Hepatitis B Virus (Hbs Ag)
  1. This price includes doctor fee and hospital service charge.
  2. Package can be purchased following the Gynecologist recommendation only.
  3. For more information or appointment contact the Women’s Health Center, Call 0 3825 9934.

These special prices are available from 1 Nov- 31 Dec 2024, and pre-purchased package can be used up to 28 Feb 2025.

Sexually Transmitted Disease Screening Program

