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ICHOM Awareness Activity

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       2024 年 2 月 21 日星期三,芭提雅曼谷医院组织了一场活动,以提高人们对 ICOM 奖的认识并增强其自豪感。医院院长Piyaporn Thipayarat医学博士在本院A栋一层接待厅ICHOM展位主持了此次活动,目的是向组织内部员工传达芭提雅曼谷医院是泰国第一家获得ICHOM认证的医院的信息 。

       ICOM 旨在标准化健康结果和患者护理的衡量,以提高医疗保健提供者的能力。它专注于提供高质量和基于价值的医疗保健,强调在治疗前、治疗期间和治疗后为患者提供优质护理。这种方法包括收集标准化数据来评估患者的全身身心健康结果,从心血管疾病和中风这两个具有挑战性和复杂的疾病组开始。


Additionally, there is a focus on patient needs, treatment outcomes, and post-treatment goals to enable patients to return to a better quality of life. The healthcare system emphasizes adding value in all aspects, including quality, services, patient and family perception, duration, and cost. The goal is to improve and develop a quality healthcare system that allows patients to enjoy a long and healthy life up to the age of 85. It’s not just about achieving good treatment outcomes, but ensuring that patients can return to the same or even better quality of life as before.

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