

上午7:00 - 下午5:00

       我们为普通客户和团体客户提供全面的年度体检套餐。 我们有移动X光仪器,可以进行很多检查,包括听力检查、肺功能检查以及团体的心电图检查。

  • 了解您的身体功能正常
  • 在出现任何症状之前及早发现疾病,并可以及早开始治疗
  • 接受与健康习惯相关的医疗咨询,以及体检中发现的特定疾病或状况的处理方法
  • 告知登记人员您是来体检的,您将被工作人员引导至健康促进中心
  • 采集血液和尿液样本,进行胸部 X 光检查和心电图检查(如果需要),上述过程通常需要大约三十分钟
  • 在所有实验室和 X 射线结果出来后,医生将与您面诊,以告知体检结果
  • 在初次检查后,您可能会在同一天被转诊去看其他专科医生,了解您的具体情况,或在您其他方便的时间进行预约(可能会收取额外费用)
  • 当天早上空腹到医院
  • 午夜后不要进食或饮水(水除外)

& Treatments


This is the heading

Thai surgeon uses arthroscope instead of radical surgery. A patient describes his experiences and outcome.

Sleeve Gastrectomy

Laparoscopic sleeve gastric bypass is a surgical procedure to reduce the size of the stomach. Help limit the amount of food eaten. This will allow patients to lose weight successfully.


Areeya Pongsamart, M.D.
Health Promotion Center
Preventive Medicine, Occupational Medicine
Chirapar Laorchan, M.D.
Health Promotion Center
Preventive Medicine, Occupational Medicine
Kanin Chintananpamote, M.D.
Health Promotion Center
Kunakorn Sinthoppong, M.D.
Health Promotion Center
Preventive Medicine, Occupational Medicine
Napatra Tanganurakpongsa, M.D.
Health Promotion Center
Preventive Medicine, Occupational Medicine
Napatsawan Patcharatanasan, M.D.
Health Promotion Center
Preventive Medicine, Occupational Medicine
Papasara Pookung, M.D.
Health Promotion Center
Preventive Medicine, Occupational Medicine
Parichat Wongthewawimarn, M.D.
Health Promotion Center
Preventive Medicine, Occupational Medicine
Photsawi Apairatana, M.D.
Health Promotion Center
Prasan Stianrapapongs, M.D.
Health Promotion Center
Family Medicine
Saksit Pornrattanaseekul, M.D.
Health Promotion Center
Preventive Medicine, Public Health
Supang thanglitanon, M.D.
Health Promotion Center
Preventive Medicine, Maritime Medicine
Thamonwan Danaisawat, M.D.
Health Promotion Center
Preventive Medicine, Occupational Medicine
Vorapot Sapsirisavat, M.D.
Health Promotion Center
Preventive Medicine, Travel Medicine
