OK, die Überschrift für diesen E-Newsletter ist nicht original aber ich kann mir keine bessere vorstellen.
Leider wird viel Quatsch über Krebs geschrieben, von dem einige lohnenswert und einige totaler Müll sind. Hier kann das Internet eine der schlechtesten Informationsquellen sein, weil es niemanden gibt, der überwacht, was geschrieben wird, so dass man alle Arten von Kutteln oder jemandes persönliche Schubkarre auf die ahnungslose Öffentlichkeit schieben kann. Nur weil man es irgendwo lesen kann, ist es nicht unbedingt wahr! ย Meine weisen Worte natürlich ausgenommen.
One of the problems when discussing “cancer” is that it is not just one condition. There are many different types of cancer. Some won’t kill you even if you live to be 140. Some can kill you in three months. To make it even more complicated some are very slow growing, while others can be horribly aggressive.
So where do you stand in all this? Well, you should be aware that “cancer” is always a possibility, especially as we get older, however the secret is to get at any cancer early. If you notice a change in yourself, body or habits, get it checked. Don’t procrastinate. The earlier the better!
Now what happens if the diagnosis is “cancer”? The onus is now on you to find out as much as you can about your particular cancer. Talk with your treating doctors, and get information from reliable internet sites. Note I say “reliable” sites. There are always plenty of sites ready to sell you snake oil. However, I do suggest you read everything and become the world expert on your own condition. But don’t buy snake oil.