我们还提供一种替代医学,即众所周知的古代医学治疗艺术,称为“针灸”。 基本上,针灸是将细针插入皮肤以影响身体生理功能的过程。
1. 隐私室
- 评估室
- 治疗室
- 牵引室
- 胸部治疗室
- 儿童多感官训练室
- ADL 多感官训练室
- 运动区
2. 设施
- 深层热疗
- 表面热疗
- 冷敷疗法
- 漩涡浴缸
- 激光治疗
- 电疗
- 颈部和背部牵引
- 儿童职业治疗
- Wii- 康复和生物识别
- 部分体重支撑
- 冲击波疗法
3. 员工队伍
- 全职和兼职医生
- 物理治疗师
- 专业理疗师
- 护士
- 物理治疗师助理
& Treatments
CO2 Laser
Home Disease & T
Urinary calculus
To discover the caus
Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia
Benign prostatic hyp
Prostatic Cancer
The prostate is a gl
Renal Cancer
Kidney cancer is can
Bladder Cancer
The lower urinary tr
Erectile Dysfunction
Erectile dysfunction
Over time, low testo
Water Vapor Therapy (Rezum)
A new minimally-inva
MRI-fusion prostate biopsy
MRI/Ultrasound fusio
This is the heading
Thai surgeon uses arthroscope instead of radical surgery. A patient describes his experiences and outcome.
Sleeve Gastrectomy
Laparoscopic sleeve gastric bypass is a surgical procedure to reduce the size of the stomach. Help limit the amount of food eaten. This will allow patients to lose weight successfully.
Health Article